IMAGE Skincare MD - Restoring Power-C Serum


IMAGE Skincare MD - Restoring Power-C Serum

IMAGE Skincare MD - Restoring Power-C Serum is a high-performance vitamin C facial serum clinically proven to improve wrinkles, pigmentation and firmness. Engineered for superior stability and potency, this daily defense serum helps brighten and repair skin while providing advanced environmental protection. With 20% tetrahexyldecylascorbate, an ultra-concentrated, fat-soluble form of vitamin C, it helps fade pigmentation and improves signs of skin aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and loss of firmness. A synthesis of super-antioxidants ferulic acid and acetyl-zingerone help enhance the effects of vitamin C. An optimized hyaluronic acid complex provides renewed skin hydration and supports a plump, smooth and firm appearance.

Visible improvement by IMAGE Skincare MD - Restoring Power-C Serum

The lightweight formula with orange oil gives skin a powerful radiant glow.

For all skin types, especially those with advanced signs of aging, pigmentation.

IMAGE Skincare MD - Restoring Power-C Serum usage advice

Apply the serum after cleansing your face in the morning. Allow the serum to soak in before applying your moisturizer. Daytime use IMAGE Skincare MD Restoring Daily Defense Moisturizer SPF 50 and in the evening IMAGE Skincare IMAGE MD Restoring Youth Repair Cream  about this serum

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